Tekhen Divine Blueprint Reiki

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Tekhen Divine Blueprint Reiki

Tekhen Divine Blueprint Reiki

This form of reiki is what is needed on the planet now, it includes the higher and lower chakras and lines of force.

What is Tekhen Divine Blueprint Reiki (TBDR)?

It will clear, heal and transform providing a renewed sense of calm, inner knowing, inner peace and clarity will come quickly. It will help to cleanse, clear, rejuvenate your cells atoms and the human, bio energy field bought through from the universe.

The benefits of Tekhen Divine Blueprint Reiki (TDBR)

  • It helps you to ascend to your divinity quicker and faster.
  • To get in touch with the body’s feelings and emotions.
  • Assist you to do the inner work.
  • To see blockages, understand why you feel the way you do.
  • Move into high vibrational states.
  • This form of reiki will be more pronounced in sensations, images.

This non – evasive healing brings the body back into a state of balance.

Energy exchange rate: 60 min session  £60

Tekhen Divine Blueprint Reiki Attunement £155

This is a one day Attunement which will attune you to the frequency so you can apply this form of reiki to yourself, loved ones and friends.

 “Lois did reiki on me as a result of hurting my back. Lois did warn me there could be a crisis – the next day I twisted my back shifting something minor and there was excruciating pain, and I could not stand, sit or lie down! 

That night and the following nights I had some vivid dreams and insights about things that had happened over 30 years ago. I woke and the pain had completely gone.

The reiki shifted some huge blockages I had somatised.I cannot recommend the reiki Lois offers highly enough.”

Kala Patel, Psychotherapist

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